The hero’s journey is a common story structure popularized by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He used this structure, also known as the “hero’s quest” or “monomyth,” to compare religions. While the scholarly value of his work is hotly debated as an anthropological tool to compare cultures, the structure itself is a powerful storytelling device that appears throughout ancient mythology to modern blockbuster movies.
This is due primarily to Christopher Vogler, a film producer who, in the 1970s, published a memo titled A Practical Guide to The Hero with a Thousand Faces, later developed into The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.
But enough exposition. Let’s get to it! We’ll use Vogler’s 12-step version, explicitly structured for writers.
Ordinary World: We are introduced to the hero and their day-to-day life. We establish the rules of our world and some initial relationships. This is also where we may set up for the “call to adventure” or inciting event. For the reader to understand the emotions and stakes of the inciting event, they must first care about the hero.
Call to Adventure: This is similar to the “inciting event” in other structures. After establishing the “ordinary world,” the call to adventure signals that something will or must change. Perhaps there is a far-off land with mystical forces or vast riches. The promise of glory or an impending doom that must be stopped. Something that will shake the hero out of their status quo.
Refusal of the Call: The hero initially prefers to stay in the ordinary world. Maybe they have loved ones to care for or feel it is not their responsibility. Perhaps they are just afraid.
Meeting with the Mentor: The mentor can be any source of wisdom. The trope is an older man or woman, a wise sage. However, the mentor could be a young child with clear thoughts or questions. It could be some divine wisdom gained through a vision or meditation. It could even be a dream. Anything that convinces the hero that they cannot remain and must accept the call.
Crossing the First Threshold: Now that the hero is resolved, they make a conscious decision and set off on their journey.
Tests, Allies, and Enemies: At the beginning of their adventure, the hero grows through their experiences. They are challenged and meet other characters that may be friends or enemies. They may meet the main antagonist disguised as a friend. This section of the story is critical to character development. What are they learning, and how are they preparing for the challenge?
Approach to the Innermost Cave: After the hero has trained and grown, they are ready to confront the main antagonist. At this point in the story, the reader is prepared and excited as we build suspense for the challenge.
The Ordeal: This is whatever battle or challenge the hero must ultimately face. This may be defeating an enemy or finding the path through an impossible labyrinth. The hero ultimately emerges victorious.
Reward: After completing the ordeal, the hero is rewarded. The simplest trope is a treasure, but the reward can be anything as it symbolizes the ultimate change in the character and the turning point in the plot. Perhaps the hero expected one reward but got something different. This transitions us into the final act.
The Road Back: Victorious, the hero is changed and begins their journey back to their old world or continues to their ultimate destination.
The Resurrection: But the ordeal is not the final challenge or transformation. The resurrection refers to a final moment in which the hero is challenged. This is vague because it can be almost anything. Functionally, this should be a more minor moment demonstrating how the hero has changed since the story began. One example is encountering a familiar character or situation and behaving differently.
Return with the Elixir: The fully actualized hero returns to the ordinary world with something that improves it. Whether it’s a magical elixir, as Vogler implies, or the strength and knowledge the hero has gained, the ordinary world differs from what it was at the beginning of our journey.
Like all story structures, this is simply a guide and could be interpreted a thousand ways. Play with it and see what you come up with!