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The Voices Are Real

A psychological horror exploring how trauma affects a decaying mind's ability to maintain our sense of reality.

  Cyd is losing his freaking mind. But if he’s crazy, where are the bodies coming from?

  He and Stacey have never met, but almost in sync their depression morphs into something more sinister. A voice from deep within their subconscious is telling them to seek it out. Now they must find answers before they completely lose themselves in their creeping psychoses. Can they find the creature calling? 


 Can they find each other? Or is it already years too late?

  In this gripping psychological horror, you are invited to investigate for yourself. Delve into the decaying minds of Cyd, a withering husk and alcoholic navigating life after his family’s death, and Stacey, a once ambitious but increasingly alienated journalist, as they begin to question their sanity and desperately search for an end to their suffering.

  A post-modern, ADHD-fueled exploration of the boundaries between perception and reality. This will be difficult at times. Don’t bother if you are uncomfortable with unchained perspectives and unreliable narrators… this isn’t for you.

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